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Upvc double glazed double doors into the porch with a door into the hall.
Stairs to the first floor, radiator, under stairs storage cupboard and doors to -
Low flush wc, wash hand basin. radiator and upvc double glazed window.
LOUNGE 3.86m x 4.60m (12'8 x 15'1)
Oak style flooring, radiator and upvc double glazed double doors onto the garden.
KITCHEN DINER 7.59m x 2.90m (24'11 x 9'6)
Fitted wall mounted, base and drawer units with oak work surfaces and breakfast bar, ceramic sink and drainer unit with mixer tap. Space for a Rangel style cooker and fitted extractor hood, integrated dishwasher and fridge and freezer. Upvc double glazed windows, radiator and doors onto the garden.
DINING ROOM/FAMILY ROOM 2.95m x 2.90m (9'8 x 9'6)
Upvc double glazed window and radiator.
UTILITY ROOM 2.59m x 1.98m (8'6 x 6'6)
Fitted units with work surface, sink and drainer unit, plumbing and space for a washing machine and space for a tumble dryer, door to the side.
Loft access, storage cupboard and doors to -
BEDROOM 1 4.83m x 3.56m (15'10 x 11'8)
Built in wardrobes, radiator, upvc double glazed window and door to -
EN SUITE 2.01m x 1.55m (6'7 x 5'1)
Enclosed shower, low flush wc, wash hand basin, radiator and upvc double glazed window.
BEDROOM 2 3.84m x 3.00m (12'7 x 9'10 )
Built in wardrobes, radiator and upvc double glazed window.
BEDROOM 3 3.76m x 2.46m (12'4 x 8'1)
Built in wardrobes, radiator and upvc double glazed window.
BEDROOM 4 3.86m x 2.44m (12'8 x 8'0)
Upvc double glazed window and radiator.
P shape, panel enclosed bath with a shower and shower screen, low flush wc, wash hand basin, radiator and upvc double glazed window.
Ample parking to the front, up and over garage door into the front part of the garage offering storage. The rear garden is enclosed with a lawn, paved and decked patios and a garden shed.